OpenRewards Pricing Plans


Frequently Asked Questions

What Kind of Tablet Should I Use?

We recommend using any Ipad Mini, or any 8-inch Android Tablets. However, if you wish to use our Point Keychain feature, you must use an Ipad Mini. For info on Point Keychain Feature, please click here.

Can I Start With The Free Plan And Upgrade Later?

Yes you can. Install the app to your tablet device free from the app store or google play and once you finish the installation you can click on the billing page and upgrade to a plan that has the features you desire.

Is It Really Free?

It is really free! You can use OpenRewards for up to 100 loyalty program members with our free feature set with absolutely zero charge.

What Currency are Paid Plans Billed In?

You will be billed in American dollars ($USD)

What Counts As a Loyalty Program Member?

A loyalty program member is anyone who registers for an account by typing in their phone number OR using OpenRewards User App to scan your tablet device's QR code.

Can I Import Points Balances From An Existing Program?

We can preform this as a free service when you register for our Small Business plan or above.

I Have Another Question

We can’t answer every question in the FAQ, but you can probably answer it yourself by installing the app. It is free to get started so feel free to try the app, and if you still have a question you can call us or email us.

You Can Start Creating Loyal Customers Today!